Wednesday, July 27, 2022

What Boat Are You In?

“We’re all in the same boat.” We’ve heard that phrase many times over the years, but are we really all in the same boat?

We are currently in a dual-fisted storm called COVID-19 and violent hatred. It has affected all of us in one way or another. It has caused us to look at others through eyes of suspicion and perhaps anger. Feelings of mistrust and lack of care for each other have risen to the surface of our inner beings. We have stopped reaching out and touching. We no longer look each other in the eye whether its for fear, disapproval, or simply to make sure we are following the directional arrows on the store floors. Fear has become rampant from possible illness, to now the dangers of rioting and targeted violence. We are in this storm together, but what about that so-called boat we are all supposed to be in?

The Bible tells the story of Jesus and His disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee in a boat.  According to Josephus, an ancient historian, there were usually more than 300 fishing boats on the Sea of Galilee at one time- a considerable number since the sea is only 13 miles long and 7 miles across. Without warning a violent storm developed. Based on the size of the sea and the numbers of fishing vessels usually there, we can assume most of these fishermen were in the same storm, but they were not all in the same boat. There was only one boat in this storm with Jesus on it, and He was asleep. He was not afraid of the storm surrounding them. He was at peace in the midst of it. But His disciples were terrified in spite of their best seamanship efforts to keep from capsizing. They went to Jesus, woke Him, and said, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown”! (Matt. 8:25 NIV) Jesus replied to them, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” (Matt. 8:26 NIV) Then He got up, rebuked the storm and all became completely calm. Interestingly, even the sailors in other boats reaped the benefit of Jesus calming the sea. They hadn’t asked Him to stop the raging seas, and some probably were cursing Him for it. But His words to the wind and waves brought peace to all affected by the storm, not just the ones in His boat.

Our country is in a storm which has affected most of us in one way or another. There is fear and suffering and confusion and violence. So I ask: What boat are you in, or better yet, who is in your boat? If we want peace in the midst of the storms of life, and we seek an end to the chaos, we must have Jesus in our boat. He alone can speak to the raging seas of life around us. He alone can bring true calm to our troubled hearts and minds. When we ask Jesus to calm the upheavals raging around us, others will also be calmed and saved because we went to the Peacemaker.

You may be sailing along with no worries, but storms appear suddenly and without warning. Be sure you have the Storm Calmer with you so no matter what comes, you can find peace in the midst of it.

(originally posted 7/7/2020)

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