“11 Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” [strangers and resident aliens] to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. 12 Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world.” (1 Peter 2:11-12 New Living Translation)
More than ever before I feel like I am an alien and stranger in my own world. As Christians, we do not live as the world lives, but we are still in this world. We live and play and shop and mingle every day with those around us. We have parties and celebrate each other's joyous occasions, and we cry and hug and share each other's sadness and grief. We connect on so many levels. We smile at strangers in the grocery aisle, maybe even chatting a few seconds about the weather or a bargain we see on the shelf. We meet friends for coffee at the local coffee shop. We gather to worship in church meeting halls
In the midst of this I remember that this world is not my home. The Apostle Peter says we are aliens and strangers in this world, and I feel it more acutely than ever. Earth is not my home; it is my temporary residential assignment. My true home is heaven, and I will be going there someday soon. This world is dying, and the prophesied end is getting closer every day. In the meantime, how am I living my life while stationed on planet Earth? Am I living it in such a way that reflects God’s love and goodness? Am I living so that others, unbelieving, may see God in me and find Him in these times of uncertainty? Am I living in such a way that when someone accuses me of wrongdoing, there will only be evidence of good? Who will be giving God glory on the day He comes because of what I have done with my life?
I am an alien and stranger here. I should not be surprised that I feel like a foreigner. But while I am here, God has given me an assignment I need to fulfill. He has gifted and enabled me to do the things He calls me to do, and I want to be faithful to complete them. I share the things God puts on my heart, the things He convicts me of and wants to correct in my life because I know none of us are perfect. We are all a work in progress. We can all improve. But one thing I am sure of is this: when I do die, or if He comes while I am still alive, I will be going to my homeland– the place where I was ultimately created to be– the place you can be, too.
If you do not know Jesus Christ, if you have not admitted you are a sinner and confessed that you can’t be saved by your own actions, if you need someone to cleanse your life and give you hope for a future in heaven, I beg you– please open your heart and ask God to save you. Believe in Jesus. Speak His name and ask Him to forgive you and to save you. Don’t wait. You do not know if you will die in the next hour, or if Jesus will come to take His followers to heaven soon. There is no second chance once you die. This life is temporary, the pleasures you think you have now, the self-sufficiency you hold to, will all disappear. He is the only Rock; the only strong foundation to stand on. Come to Jesus now, just as you are. He will take you and redeem you. You don’t have to quit this or that or change anything about yourself first. He loves you, and He waits for you to come.
This world is only a temporary residence for all of us. When this earthly life has ended, where will your permanent place– your forever home– be?
(originally posted 7/14/20)
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