Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Thoughts on Heaven, Part 2, Is Heaven Boring?

For many years I struggled with the idea of going to heaven. Images of what my "forever" life would be like in a place I had never visited before left me uncertain, especially when my images were less than favorable.

There are no travel brochures with elegant, high-resolution photos highlighting the perfectly serene blue waters of pristine lakes, or mountains, snow-capped and grand. No photos of the "mansion just over the hilltop" waiting for me to move into, and no pictures of those streets of gold. There is no list of "who's who" waiting to greet new arrivals, and although we know Jesus will be there, and loved ones who have accepted Him will be there, it would be comforting to see who "made it".

White robed and feathery winged angels floating around a blue sky or sitting on puffy white clouds strumming their golden harps really do not appeal to me. Sure, it would be great to see an angel, but I am really not a fan of harp music. Listening to that for all eternity is not my idea of "perfect" music, and it is a really big turn off if I have to play one, too.

And who wants to go around wearing nothing but long, flowing white robes?  We'll all look alike. No fun color choices, no variations; and really, who wants to see men in robes? Do we have to wear the same outfit every day for the rest of eternity? Again, not a big draw factor.

What will we do all the time? The Bible talks about praising God and singing to Him, which I am sure we will gratefully do, but is that it? Do we all stand around in our white robes, accompanied by angels with golden harps, singing and praising God every second until forever ends?  

Honestly, it didn't seem like a desirable place to go. If others have the same images, no wonder earth seems so appealing, and heaven so unsought after. 

My ideas of heaven were so limited. So bland. So wrong. 

The problem was this: With a less than stellar view of heaven, my life on earth took a place of prominence that it never should have. When earth becomes more desirable than heaven, you have forgotten where your true home is.  

Heaven must be accepted by faith. We cannot use earth's standards to determine how amazing heaven will be. We must trust our Creator when He said He has prepared a place for us, and it will be wonderful beyond measure; beyond anything we can even imagine or think. 

I have begun to see heaven differently. With eyes of faith, I believe God is giving me tidbits and glimpses of what heaven will be. Small, tiny peeks, but ones that have made my heart leap to go there.  Join me?

If our Father only gives good gifts to His children, what an incomprehensible gift heaven will be!


  1. Although I've pondered what heaven will be like many times, I'm sure I'm absolutely clueless, but of this I am certain: that it will be filled with joy, peace, and love, and championship golf courses! I think, in addition to constantly being filled with worship, that there will be so much to do and fellowship with, that it would take an eternity to take in all of it. As beautiful as our earth is, it won't compare to the wonders of heaven, and that in itself is a thought that's difficult to get next to.

    1. Yes, Chappy, I agree with you that heaven will be a place of joy, peace, and love, and I know quite a few people who would agree with you about the golf courses as well! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  2. I agree with you! White flowing robes and harps all day long? Why has this picture of heaven dominated our ideas of it? And while I like harp music for a little while (I have Greg Buchanan CDs), I'd much prefer a great rock band or some 1940s style swing! And do I have to go all of eternity without typing or creating things? Will I get to cook? Football games? Racing? I'm not into golf, but what happens to all of the things God has created us to do and enjoy? Somewhere there needs to be a different picture of what heaven is. And I definitely want to see Ginger and Bynie again!

  3. Yes, Kathy. Now you are thinking like I have been thinking! (great minds, you know!) These are the questions I have been asking, and I have found comfort in what I believe God has shown me. Just wait- it will be so fun! (although I'm really not sure there will be auto racing there.) ;) Lol.
