Monday, July 27, 2015

Happenings in the Physical Mirror the Spiritual

Hatred and hostilities have increased; war is waged or threatened on every continent. Threats of radicals are heard and felt across the world, with their actions backing the evil words they spew forth. At times it feels as if they are in a whole different world while we sit content and safe in our homes. But we need to be wise. Our walls have been breached. The enemy has shown they are in our land, and are beginning to act. All the while, our warrior numbers are dwindling.

The last few years have seen the decrease of our military.
1. Closing bases.
2. Reduction of troop numbers.
3. The removal of many key leaders and commanders
4. Disarmament.
We are becoming less able to defend our country, or bring aid to others because of the anemic condition put upon us by the orders of those in control in Washington.

When we see things happening in the physical realm, it is mirroring what is happening in the spiritual.

Are we not seeing the same in the spiritual realm? What is happening to the Army of God?

1. Closing bases. Look at our churches. Training camps for all believers; boot camps for new believers. Many are shutting their doors due to low membership, dwindling attendance, and decreased giving. They simply cannot afford to stay open.
Others have bought into the enemies lies and are now teaching a “false Gospel”, and still others teach a watered-down “feel good” gospel that does little to teach the truth of God’s word, nor train for spiritual warfare.
We have fewer true training centers open and and fewer training God’s Army.

2. Reduction of numbers. The number of true believers has been decreasing for years. The percentage of those calling themselves Christian has declined, and in this day and age of “easy” Christianity, one has to wonder how many of those who call themselves Christian, truly are.

3. Removal of key leaders. In recent years, many leaders from prominent, large churches have been removed. Scandals, moral failures, financial improprieties, and heresy are causing these once esteemed leaders to be removed from places of great influence. Some have left voluntarily with a repentant heart; others have been forced to vacate their posts, refusing to admit sin and wrongdoing.
Church members are left wondering what comes next. Who will replace their leader, and will the next one be trustworthy and faithful to teach God’s Word? Has trust and leadership been destroyed to such a manner that it becomes difficult to follow any leader within the church?
Where are the great leaders of our church in these days? We need strong leaders who will keep the faith, and hold the line in spite of opposition and rising evil.

4. Disarmament. Has the church become disarmed? What weapon do believers have to do battle with? Do we even need to do battle? Yes, we all need to do battle, but we need to be armed to do it effectively. Our weapon, the Sword, is the Word of God. As mentioned above, many churches are not even teaching the Word in its entirety, if at all. In our personal lives, how often do we read our Bibles, memorize verses, or allow God to speak to us through His written word to us? If we are not using our Bibles, if we are not infusing our minds and hearts with His word, we are disarmed.
When Jesus met the devil in the desert, He spoke only the Word to silence the enemy. He pulled the Sword and applied it swiftly, cutting the enemy down. We must follow His example and use the Sword of God’s Word to defeat the enemy.

Evil days are upon us, but this is not the time for us to shrink back. We must pray and seek God like never before.  Just as we must build and strengthen our Army in the physical realm to defend and conquer enemies, we must prepare for battle in the spiritual, because whether we like it or not, the enemy of your soul and mine is prowling- looking to see whom he can destroy. You cannot be nice, or speak “peace and love”, to the enemy. I am reminded of a vivid dream I had years ago. It involved the enemy gaining territory in my life. In the end, the Lord’s word to me was this- “you cannot make friends with the enemy. You must be ruthless against him.” That is what we need to be- ruthless!

It is interesting to see how civilians are stepping up to guard our military recruitment centers. Non-military members are stepping in to provide protection, and to aid the cause of right and truth. It reminds me of the passage in Matthew 22.
“ 22 And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, 2 “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a marriage feast for his son, 3 and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast; but they would not come. 4 Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have made ready my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves are killed, and everything is ready; come to the marriage feast.’ 5 But they made light of it and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, 6 while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. 7 The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. 8 Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy. 9 Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.’ 10 And those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good; so the wedding hall was filled with guests.”

Those who are trained- our military- have been reduced, disarmed, and left without key leaders. The time is coming for a battle, both in the physical and the spiritual. Non-military personnel are standing up to fill the gap. Will this happen in the spiritual, as well? Those who have been called- those who have had ties with the Christian church- are being called to battle, but many are ill-prepared, or have “other” things to do. War is not for the faint of heart. Those who have had no history with the church or Christianity, will they now “join ranks”, and become new members of God’s Army? Interesting.

We need to prepare. We need to be trained, and we need to be armed. We need to join ranks and do spiritual battle even now for the welfare of our country, and all who are within her gates.

2 Corinthians 10:4Expanded Bible (EXB)

4 We fight with weapons that are 'different from those the world uses [not merely human weapons; L not of the flesh]. Our weapons have power from God that can destroy ·the enemy’s strong places [L strongholds; fortresses]. We destroy ·people’s arguments [human reasoning; sophistries]

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