Friday, August 7, 2015

Thoughts of Heaven, Pt. 3 Tears

Tears. We all have them. Tears of joy, tears of pain, tears of sorrow.  I happened to find pictures of microscopic imaging of human tears. * When examined closely, we see that tears differ, and the difference depends upon the reason they fall.  

Tears: self-contained droplets of water and elements produced by our bodies under various situations.

Grief, change, laughter, pain, exposure to irritants or toxins; all able to produce tears. Some rise up and edge our red-rimmed eyelids, but never leave their place of containment. Others puddle, then gently, slowly overflow their banks to leave salty trails down our cheeks. Others seem to pour from us, as if to flush out the thing causing us pain; pain inflicted through means of irritants such as onions or allergies, the pain of physical injury, or emotional pain coming from an intense loss or spiritual wounding. 

Just as snowflakes are without repetition in their magnificent structures and form, so too our tears show incredibly minute individuality.  But will there be tears in heaven?

Heaven.  A place where we are told there will be no more tears, no more crying.  No more tears of grief, no tears of pain, and certainly no more tears from cutting up onions!  How thankful I am for that!  

But I wonder-- will there really be NO tears in heaven? When I enter my forever home, I imagine falling to my knees and simply sobbing for joy. The reality of what Jesus Christ did so I could be forgiven and accepted, will make weeping at Jesus' feet seem like the most natural thing I could do. My heart, exploding with gratitude and humility and overflowing with love for Him, will not be able to stop the fervent flow.

I cannot picture being reunited with my infant son and daughter, my father and mother, and so many others who are dear to my heart, and not weeping with pure joy in that long-awaited moment. 

I cannot imagine holding back tears when I begin to see the wonder of what heaven is. What my mind dared to imagine will be dimmed beyond compare when my eyes finally see my true home. What I thought was possible-- my wildest thoughts on heaven-- will seem so small, so unimaginative when I see it with my own eyes.  

The above images of tears show me just how complex and beyond our comprehension the creativity of our God is. These are but tiny glimpses into His mastery of creation. If these images are so unique and so amazing in a world that is corrupted by sin and death, how much more magnificent will all of creation be when it is no longer under the curse? How indescribable heaven must be-- a place that has never known the corruption of sin and death!

Revelation 21:4 states, "
He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” (NLT)

Maybe there will be tears in heaven. Tears of joy. Tears of gratitude and love. Tears of relief. The Word says He will wipe away every tear, and there will be no more crying. I imagine Jesus greeting me, holding me tightly to His chest and saying, "Welcome home! We've all been waiting for you," as He lovingly wipes the tears of joy from my face. His smile, His love, will dry all our tears.

No more crying. These things are gone forever. Thank you, Lord! 

* Photos from an article written by Henry Cloud.

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