Monday, October 26, 2015

I Choose the Fire

Flames danced and twirled, as tongues of deep orange and bright yellow merged together, then swirled apart. Some faded and dimmed, only to be stirred into full blaze once again. Embers glowed bright, then eerily dark, then bright-- a living thing that looked as if it were actually breathing. Those observing it were transfixed by the constantly changing display which drew them further and further into its seduction. 
Fire is a beautiful, fascinating thing to observe, entrancing and hypnotic at times, but it is also a mysterious, sometimes dangerous, double-edged sword-- a tool for good or evil.

Many enjoy hours of enjoyment when toasting marshmallows for smores or roasting hotdogs on tree-branch forks over a bonfire, and who can deny the romance of snuggling near a glowing fireplace on a chilly, wintery night?

Fire provides warmth in the cold, cooks our food, purifies contaminated items, and removes unsafe structures in a controlled way. It provides pleasure as well as protection from harm and danger. Properly used, it is a great gift.

But flames can also be destructive. Buildings catch fire and are destroyed, at times taking human lives with it. It can leave permanent, debilitating scars on the life of one who encounters its powers too closely and cause intense pain. Rarely is it extinguished without leaving a definitive, and at times ugly, reminder of its presence. Whether used for good or evil purposes, nothing touched by fire remains unchanged.

It is a living thing. It devours whatever is given for fuel, and sucks in the surrounding air as if gasping for breath. Just as a physical fire needs these things to survive, so does the invisible "fire" inside each of us. It, too, is fueled by the things we feed it. 

We are daily bombarded with visual and auditory "kindling" for our inner fire. Paraded in front of us like sweets in a candy store, we are drawn in. Glamorized sex, violence, abuse, vulgarity, laziness, materialism-- all presented over and over causing us to become engrossed in them. Just like the hypnotic flames of a fire, we find it hard to turn away because we may miss something. Before long, we become captivated by an unholy fire.

The unholy fire's burn comes because it is a trap. To continue watching the mesmerizing dance of this fire it must be fed, and just like a physical fire, this fire consumes what it burns. It starts small-- maybe just a smoldering-- but as it is fueled by continued exposure, the flames grow until the person is completely engulfed. This unholy fire leads to pain, suffering, loss, and eventual death. Its enchantment is deceptive.

But there is another fire. It is the holy fire of God Almighty. Deuteronomy 4:24 states, "For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God." 

He is Holy, and all who come to Him will feel His purifying fire. When we submit ourselves to Him, His holiness burns and consumes all that is not of Him-- evil and unrighteousness; all impurities and sin within us. Then the Holy Spirit ignites a fire within our hearts. As we give ourselves to Him, this holy fire guides and directs our lives and we find purpose and a plan from God Himself. 

Our spiritual fire must also be fed to continue burning. Reading God's Word, worshiping and praying and singing to Him, all fuel the blaze inside us. God's fire consumes more and more of us as we become more like the One who created us. He brings hope and peace; He brings eternal life.

Our lives are going to burn with either a holy fire, or an unholy one. Whichever one we choose, whichever one we feed, will determine the type of fire we are captivated by. We will either be beguiled by the enticing display the world presents, or we can be consumed by a holy God, changed forever to live for Him, and with Him.  

We cannot be smoldering embers. Our inner fire will either die out and be extinguished, or it will be fanned into brilliant flame. Which will you choose? Will you allow the evil of this world to fan your desires into an unholy fire leading to destruction and death, or will you allow the Holy Spirit to blow the embers of your heart into a shining blaze for God? 

As for me, I choose a Holy God. I choose the HOLY Fire.  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Heaven, Pt. 8, Will My Beloved Pet Be There?

Will my pet be in heaven? Many pet owners and animal lovers have sought the answer to this question. I often joked that my pets would be in heaven because I made sure they said "The Sinner's Prayer." In reality, I know it isn't something animals can or need do, but it made my heart feel better to think that if they could, they would, and I would find them waiting for me in heaven. 

But the question remains. Will there be pets in heaven? We have to go back to the Garden of Eden.

When Adam and Eve fell into sin, they did so by choice. Sin and death came into this world because of the actions of mankind, not animals. We are the ones who caused the separation between God and man. As a result of this severed relationship, all of creation fell under a curse. All the beauty and life that sang out from plants and animals in perfect Eden was now stifled, weighed down by a heavy cloak; silenced by the overshadowing of evil. The vibrant colors of the entire creation were stripped of their brightness; muted and grayed by the cloud of iniquity that covered and permeated everything on earth.  Even though they did not directly sin, the shroud of sin affected all creation-- plants, animals, fish, the Earth. Death would eventually come to all.

I have had many pets in my lifetime. I grew up on a farm, so cats were a mainstay and my best friends. I would cry and mourn for them when they died, but each spring brought a new batch to fall in love with. I adored them, but I wasn't so attached that I would feel bad if they weren't in heaven.  Besides, as someone I know once said, all cats end up in "purrrrrgatory" anyway! (Sorry cat lovers!)

I also love dogs. I had
a beautiful golden cocker spaniel named Ginger. She was a sweet dog! We had her for a number of years, but when we moved to Europe and had to leave her, she became our friends' dog. Their whole family loved, accepted and cherished her deeply. She was a special dog who had won the hearts of two families, and lived a long, happy life.

My current dog is Zala. She is the most spoiled, sweet, adorable little dog ever. She has character and personality that are uncanny. Sometimes she seems more human than dog! When she dies, my heart will definitely break. 

I would love to see these two special dogs in heaven, but honestly, I do not know if they will be. I know there will be animals-- lots of them, and of all kinds. But animals were not created in God's image. They were not created to have personal relationships with their Creator as we are, and they have no need for salvation. If my favorite beloved pet is not in heaven, will I be sad and miss her?  Maybe, but if heaven is a place of no sadness and tears, then I don't think I will. 

Biblical evidence tells us there will be animals in heaven. Heaven is, and will be forever, the restoration of all the once was. It is Eden again-- perfect. Relationship restored; harmony in all of creation. 
Isaiah tells us in Chapter 11:6-8:  

" In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together;
    the leopard will lie down with the baby goat.
The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion,
    and a little child will lead them all.
The cow will graze near the bear.
    The cub and the calf will lie down together.                                                                                              The lion will eat hay like a cow."

A wolf, a lamb, a leopard, and a baby goat all lying down and living together. No snarling or growling, no stalking and licking one's chops sizing up their next meal. A calf and yearling safe with a lion! And to top it off, a little child will lead them! Can you see a five-year-old taking his pet 400-pound lion for a stroll together? Then the lion sits down and eats grass. Think about that. No longer hunting, stalking and killing for food. They will be vegetarians!
Genesis 1:30 says, "I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life.”  

I do not know if God will in some way cause our beloved pets to be in heaven, but we do know there will be no sadness or sorrow. The animals we enjoy here on earth bring us love and joy. If they are with us once again when we get to heaven, it will be wonderful. If they are not, there will be many other creatures to take 
walks with, cuddle and play with. We will not feel their absence. 

So get ready to swim with dolphins and great whales and sharks! Splash in the rivers of heaven with multitudes of fish and ride a hippo downstream. Get into a racing contest with a cheetah, and swing on tree branches with monkeys. Sit down to rest under a shade tree with a panther and lean against the King of Beasts to snooze. All the animals and birds and fish are free; no cages, no human-made confinements of any kind. Nature and humans in harmony, living together once again in peace.  

Revelations 5:13 says,
"13 And then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea. They sang: “Blessing and honor and glory and power belong to the one sitting on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever.”

Clearly there will be all sorts of creatures in heaven. They join us as we all bow to our Creator honoring and praising Him; worshiping together as originally designed. 

I can't wait to live, love, play, and enjoy eternity in the best hands-on, interactive zoo ever!


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Heaven, Pt. 7, The Place of Beauty and Song

I wander through tall, thin blades of grassy meadow, my hands gently brushing the individual leaves of green that graze my knees. A gentle wind blows both the slender reeds and my hair as I pause to take in the entire scene. Quiet, serene, peaceful. Trees fully leaved and green rustle in the breeze; sprinkles of melodic earth-chimes. The sound, a unique form of song.

I look up into the sky, crisp bright blue, accented only by the occasional puff of purest white cotton-candy clouds. The brightness of the day radiates from the Creator, and there is no need for a sun. The warmth of the light feels like a gentle blanket hug-- comforting, desired.

I walk over to join others gathered in small groups under majestic oak branches. Nearby, children laugh and play, running and jumping, no longer fearful of falling or being hurt, and never getting too tired to keep going. Their giggles keep smiles on all our faces, and we thank God for the joyfulness these little ones bring. Many of us feel a deeper sense of gratitude as we now see how He 
safely kept our children who left us too soon on earth.

People from throughout the ages sit here and talk. They share about their lives and how they now realize God was present in every moment-- even the difficult, dark days when hope seemed lost. Lives lived in the various centuries faced so many different challenges. Those stories alone captivate for hours. With each story told, our hearts erupt and re-erupt with shouts of gratitude and adoration for a God who loves us so much in spite of our propensity to evil and rebellion.

As the testimonies continued, a tray of fruit was presented and each of us enjoyed the peaches, pears and grapes, all dripping with juicy sweetness. Pomegranates, currants, dates, and exotic fruits never seen before all burst with flavors beyond anything previously experienced. Each one showered our senses with amazing aromas and exquisite tastes. We ate not because we were hungry, but because it was pleasurable to taste and see what the Lord had provided for us. With the curse of sin and death removed forevermore, all of creation is now in its purest form; the way it was intended from the start, the way it was in the Garden of Eden before the Fall.

Rivers and streams dance over rocks and boulders, babbling and splashing along their banks. Oceans and lakes sparkle and shimmer under the light of His glory; sparks from their waves jump and splash like diamonds, sapphires and emeralds tossed to and fro in the playfully effervescent surf. Waters restored to their original created splendor and purpose; fishes and sea animals swimming and leaping in rhythm...a rhythm that resonates with the song of the waves and the trees, as if they were part of the same symphony.

In the far distance I see mountains. Some with snow covered peaks, others still green. Great eagles and hawks soar above their peaks, while robins and sparrows, parrots and hummingbirds flit about here and there, their melodious chirping harmonizing with the rest of nature's anthems. Several swoop down and land on our shoulders, bobbing and dancing, encouraging us to join them in their chorus.

Flowers are everywhere! Some species are well-known, while others are so exotic they seem unreal. They grace the fields and parkways and seem to spring up wherever there is laughter and joy. The sounds of happiness scatter like seeds which suddenly root, grow, and blossom within seconds to produce opulent, heady-fragranced blooms. Some bear colors sharp, deep and dramatic, like glowing embers or dark blood; others are pale and soft with the appearance of velvet silkier than baby hair. All seem to be swaying to a familiar beat, and all sound like they are humming. Their beauty is overwhelming.

In this place, there is complete rest, complete peace, and perfect joy. Without thought, my heart bursts with love and praise to the One who made it all, and I find myself singing and humming in unison with the rest of creation. 

Things I had found beautiful and breathtaking on Earth, now seem dim and gray and unimpressive. The curse of sin on the world and all humanity caused them to be diminished, colorless, flawed-- dying. Here, all is alive and vibrant, no longer held under the grip of sin's curse; no longer dying.

In this forever place, the gray has been removed. All is as it was meant to be, as the Father originally created and purposed it. Perfect. Untainted. My eyes, now restored and whole, see clearly the beauty of my Father's creation and my heart overflows with thanks and love and gratitude. The words spill out from my mouth, "You alone, my Father, are Holy and magnificent and worthy of glory and honor!  Forever and ever Your praise will be on my lips!"

It will not be "work" to praise Him for all of eternity. It will be a natural overflowing from our hearts.  All that He has given to us in eternity, all that He has made us to be, all the joy we will experience, and the simple, superb beauty of His presence with us, will cause His praise to spring from us effortlessly.  All He sacrificed for each one of us will be more than enough for us to join in creation's song of worship.

Photo from

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Heaven, Pt 6, Meeting Who?

"Mommy!" The sound of little ones call out to me loud and clear. Although I'm not sure I recognize the voices, I know by the leap in my heart who they are; Sarah and Matthew, my children who entered heaven when they were just babies. I spin around on my heels and see them running towards me, jumping and skipping with their arms open wide, smiles beaming widely midst giggles and laughter.  They crash into my legs with all the energy running little children bring, and together we fall to the ground in a giant three-pronged hug. Faces held and kissed over and over, hair stroked and brought near as I inhale their sweetness. We have so much catching up to do. Volumes of stories to be told, hours and hours of lap sitting, miles of walks to be taken. Decades worth of puppies and kitties to be cuddled and played with; many missed birthday cakes to be eaten. So much of what was taken from us, now being fully restored with eternity's time to do it in. There is no rush as we slowly get up hand in hand to begin exploring this new world. They gleefully lead the way. 

I am stopped by the sound of a familiar voice calling my name. "Daddy!", I call out as I run into my father's embrace. "I've missed you so much!" It is pure joy to see him restored to full health-- a young, vibrant man once again. I melt into the freely given love of my earthly father's hug, sweetly enjoying the outward expression of heart-felt emotions which he held strongly harnessed when we were in the world. 

"Look, Mommy," Matthew chimes in, "here's our other grandpas."  I stand agape as I see generations of men who were part of my lineage; faces and names I never knew. My grandfathers who had passed away before I was born, my great-grandfathers, and great-great-grandfathers. What amazing men to meet and learn about and hear their stories of struggle and faith. 

Sarah pipes up, "Mommy, don't forget to meet our grandmas." 
Again, groups of women come and introduce themselves. Women who lived through the centuries now come forward to tell their stories of how they were saved, and how their love for God was passed down to the next generation. Aunts, uncles, cousins all come forward to greet me, and in that moment, I am so thankful I have all of eternity to spend getting to know these precious people. I am in awe of their words and what they did. Because of them-- because they stayed true to the faith-- I am here. 

Others have come to greet me. Some I recognize as old friends who passed into eternity years and years ago; others are persons I read about in Bible stories or history books. As I simply allow my vision to take in the panorama of the multitudes surrounding me, someone touches my arm, gently tugging to get my attention. A young woman starts to speak, then chokes back her words as if she were about to cry.  Softly, she manages a smile as she begins again to offer her thoughts. "I am here because of you."  Others around her-- men and women, young and old-- nod in agreement. "We're here because of you, too." "Really? What did I do? How am I responsible for your being here?" Each in turn shared their story of how something I said or did began a chain of events which led them to God. A smile given at a moment of complete desperation and hopelessness, sharing my own pain and how I survived it, an act of random kindness, a sincere prayer offered for a complete stranger; the list went on. I was shocked at how something which seemed so small and insignificant to me altered the eternity of another human being. 

Below is a song I remember from my youth. Little is much when God is in it. When we do anything from a heart of love and obedience to God, we will never know how far-reaching those actions go. We will never know until eternity how our lives impacted others. Be faithful, obey God, and be prepared to meet the many who are in heaven because of you.

Words & Music: Kit­tie L. Suf­field, 1924

In the harvest field now ripened
There’s a work for all to do;
Hark! the voice of God is calling
To the harvest calling you. 
Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame.
There’s a crown—and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ Name.
In the mad rush of the broad way,
In the hurry and the strife,
Tell of Jesus’ love and mercy,
Give to them the Word of Life.

Does the place you’re called to labor
Seem too small and little known?
It is great if God is in it,
And He’ll not forget His own.

Are you laid aside from service,
Body worn from toil and care?
You can still be in the battle,
In the sacred place of prayer.

When the conflict here is ended
And our race on earth is run,
He will say, if we are faithful,
“Welcome home, My child—well done!”

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Thoughts on Heaven, Pt. 5, First Moments in Heaven

I walk through Heaven's gates and am overwhelmed with the presence of holiness and purity. Love encompasses me and swirls around me; it flows through me. It covers me with a warmth that is familiar, but now stronger, more permeating than what I experienced before. To simply stand is a struggle. I fall to my knees in a simple act of surrender to the powerful presence of the One who saved me, the One I now kneel before.

I cannot lift my head, nor raise my eyes to look into His. Startling awareness of the years of sin and guilt rush in like a flood, playing over and over again on the movie screen of my mind, and my shame is staggering. I see myself clad in a filthy, shredded gown. It is fouled and bloodied from the battles I have been in and bears evidence of a sin-filled life. I see the scars from wounds accumulated over the years. Interestingly, the scars are not so much on my physical body, but in my mind and heart. Some are jagged and deep; some superficial and clean. Many are well-healed, but others ooze, and I feel grotesque in His presence.

Gently, He takes His hands, deeply scarred by crucifixion spikes, and cups my face in them. Slowly He lifts my chin until we are eye to eye. Tears stream down my cheeks as I feel the crushing reality that it was me-- my words, my thoughts, my evil deeds-- that pushed those cruel thorns into His head. It was my sin, my punishment He took with every whip crack and every vicious punch and kick. Every burst blood vessel, every drop of blood sweat, every jagged splinter from the cross that gouged deeply into his already ripped open and raw flesh, was because of me. What I deserved, what should have been done to me, was instead done to Him. In obedience to His Father, Jesus took all the punishment due to me so I could be redeemed to God. The entirety of my sin and its effects are before me. "I'm sorry, Jesus! I am so sorry!" 

With my face still cupped in His hands, He gently wipes my tears away. "Beloved one, the moment you accepted my sacrifice and believed in Me, I became your Savior, and your sins were wiped away. I do not see them, nor do I remember them anymore. What you are seeing is a memory of what used to be. You no longer wear the rags you see yourself in. You are royalty. You are my Father's daughter, my sister. You are a Princess-- grafted into royal blood. Look now. Look at your clothes." 

I look down. The filthy, torn rags are gone. In their place is a robe of purest white. It is His robe, and He has put it over me. He has covered me, paid my debt, and clothed me in His robes of righteousness. I am cleansed and whole. Tears continue to flow down my cheeks, but now they are tears of joy.

He directs my attention to a row of colorful bottles of different shapes and sizes; crystalline containers sparkling with rainbow prisms that dance off faceted edges.

My eyes look up at His. "What are these, Lord? They look beautiful!" He opened the first bottle, slowly pouring its contents out. I am taken back as the black, slimy liquid drains out. How could such a gorgeous carafe contain such putrid ingredients? "These are tears you cried in bitterness and anger."  The next bottle was opened and poured out. Blue-gray liquid as salty as the sea rolled slowly out of the bottle. "These are your tears of sadness and grief." Another bottle was opened and poured out. This liquid was shimmering gold, nearly dancing as it tripped and splashed out of its container. "These are your tears of joy and happiness." Bottle after bottle of my tears He had collected were opened and poured out until there were no more.

I looked at the remaining bottles belonging to others yet to arrive in heaven. I noticed there were more bottles of certain types of tears than others. He explained that some people experienced more happy tears, while others have cried many more tears of sadness. Others lived a long, hard, worldly life before accepting Him as Savior, and they have more tear bottles of anger, malice, and sorrow. It was revealing.

With one swipe of His hand, all of my poured-out bottles were gone, along with the evidence of their contents. Puzzled, I looked up into His face again. "I have seen your tears, and I have collected them here, waiting for you. In heaven there are no more tears, no crying. The former things have passed away. Enter into My rest." 

I knew that tears would never again blur my vision or leave salty trails down my cheeks. My days of crying were over, forever.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Thoughts on Heaven, Pt 4, Gifts: Here and Now, Then and There

What do you love to do? Is your free time taken with reading great novels, or conquering 18 holes at the local golf course? Do you enjoy music, art, painting? What brings you joy here on earth, and what fuels your passion?

I love nature. I love to garden and get my hands dirty. I like the feel of the earth in my hands as I squeeze and press the gritty soil between my fingers, and I love to see tiny seedlings grow and produce beautiful flowers or delicious veggies. I love the work involved in tilling the soil, and pulling weeds, and hauling water. I may not always be excited about the labor and sweat effort, but somehow it brings great joy to my inner being. 

I like to create. I crochet. I enjoy watching a piece of yarn become a baby sweater or tiny booties, or a goofy hat a child will enjoy. It seems like magic as the metal hook weaves a single thread into a work of art. I also enjoy painting. I do not possess the exquisite talent others have, but my paint-by-numbers have brought me hours of joy. Even though I'm no Rembrandt, it makes me happy when I find and fill in all those tiny "2"s, "3"s, and "4"s.

I also enjoy writing. I may not be a Hemingway or T.S. Eliot, but I love to write. It has always been easy for me to express myself in written word. Somehow my pen pulls the inner thoughts and feelings from within me and translates them onto paper with such ease. It isn't work for me; it is an extension of me.

What do you like to do? What flows from you or brings you joy? What seems to radiate from the "real" you? 

God has given us gifts, talents and abilities as individual and unique as each of our fingerprints and genetic makeup. He created us to enjoy and be good at certain things-- gardening, cooking, writing, reading, singing, and yes, even golfing! He put those specific gifts within us for His glory. They bring joy to our hearts, but they also bring joy to His heart as He watches us use those gifts and abilities.  

But do these individually unique endowments end here on earth when we die? Are they only given for use in the here and now? What will we do in heaven? Will the things that we find pleasurable here be lost when we go to heaven?  

God created us to live forever. We are eternal beings; unique and fitted to live in heaven. Gifts are not given and then retracted. Heaven will be a "re-opening" of all the wonderful uniqueness we have already been given. We will be "re-opened" in the realm of perfection, where all things will be made pure and beautiful. 

Can you picture in your mind what that will be like? I can barely wait for that day! 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Thoughts of Heaven, Pt. 3 Tears

Tears. We all have them. Tears of joy, tears of pain, tears of sorrow.  I happened to find pictures of microscopic imaging of human tears. * When examined closely, we see that tears differ, and the difference depends upon the reason they fall.  

Tears: self-contained droplets of water and elements produced by our bodies under various situations.

Grief, change, laughter, pain, exposure to irritants or toxins; all able to produce tears. Some rise up and edge our red-rimmed eyelids, but never leave their place of containment. Others puddle, then gently, slowly overflow their banks to leave salty trails down our cheeks. Others seem to pour from us, as if to flush out the thing causing us pain; pain inflicted through means of irritants such as onions or allergies, the pain of physical injury, or emotional pain coming from an intense loss or spiritual wounding. 

Just as snowflakes are without repetition in their magnificent structures and form, so too our tears show incredibly minute individuality.  But will there be tears in heaven?

Heaven.  A place where we are told there will be no more tears, no more crying.  No more tears of grief, no tears of pain, and certainly no more tears from cutting up onions!  How thankful I am for that!  

But I wonder-- will there really be NO tears in heaven? When I enter my forever home, I imagine falling to my knees and simply sobbing for joy. The reality of what Jesus Christ did so I could be forgiven and accepted, will make weeping at Jesus' feet seem like the most natural thing I could do. My heart, exploding with gratitude and humility and overflowing with love for Him, will not be able to stop the fervent flow.

I cannot picture being reunited with my infant son and daughter, my father and mother, and so many others who are dear to my heart, and not weeping with pure joy in that long-awaited moment. 

I cannot imagine holding back tears when I begin to see the wonder of what heaven is. What my mind dared to imagine will be dimmed beyond compare when my eyes finally see my true home. What I thought was possible-- my wildest thoughts on heaven-- will seem so small, so unimaginative when I see it with my own eyes.  

The above images of tears show me just how complex and beyond our comprehension the creativity of our God is. These are but tiny glimpses into His mastery of creation. If these images are so unique and so amazing in a world that is corrupted by sin and death, how much more magnificent will all of creation be when it is no longer under the curse? How indescribable heaven must be-- a place that has never known the corruption of sin and death!

Revelation 21:4 states, "
He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” (NLT)

Maybe there will be tears in heaven. Tears of joy. Tears of gratitude and love. Tears of relief. The Word says He will wipe away every tear, and there will be no more crying. I imagine Jesus greeting me, holding me tightly to His chest and saying, "Welcome home! We've all been waiting for you," as He lovingly wipes the tears of joy from my face. His smile, His love, will dry all our tears.

No more crying. These things are gone forever. Thank you, Lord! 

* Photos from an article written by Henry Cloud.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Thoughts on Heaven, Part 2, Is Heaven Boring?

For many years I struggled with the idea of going to heaven. Images of what my "forever" life would be like in a place I had never visited before left me uncertain, especially when my images were less than favorable.

There are no travel brochures with elegant, high-resolution photos highlighting the perfectly serene blue waters of pristine lakes, or mountains, snow-capped and grand. No photos of the "mansion just over the hilltop" waiting for me to move into, and no pictures of those streets of gold. There is no list of "who's who" waiting to greet new arrivals, and although we know Jesus will be there, and loved ones who have accepted Him will be there, it would be comforting to see who "made it".

White robed and feathery winged angels floating around a blue sky or sitting on puffy white clouds strumming their golden harps really do not appeal to me. Sure, it would be great to see an angel, but I am really not a fan of harp music. Listening to that for all eternity is not my idea of "perfect" music, and it is a really big turn off if I have to play one, too.

And who wants to go around wearing nothing but long, flowing white robes?  We'll all look alike. No fun color choices, no variations; and really, who wants to see men in robes? Do we have to wear the same outfit every day for the rest of eternity? Again, not a big draw factor.

What will we do all the time? The Bible talks about praising God and singing to Him, which I am sure we will gratefully do, but is that it? Do we all stand around in our white robes, accompanied by angels with golden harps, singing and praising God every second until forever ends?  

Honestly, it didn't seem like a desirable place to go. If others have the same images, no wonder earth seems so appealing, and heaven so unsought after. 

My ideas of heaven were so limited. So bland. So wrong. 

The problem was this: With a less than stellar view of heaven, my life on earth took a place of prominence that it never should have. When earth becomes more desirable than heaven, you have forgotten where your true home is.  

Heaven must be accepted by faith. We cannot use earth's standards to determine how amazing heaven will be. We must trust our Creator when He said He has prepared a place for us, and it will be wonderful beyond measure; beyond anything we can even imagine or think. 

I have begun to see heaven differently. With eyes of faith, I believe God is giving me tidbits and glimpses of what heaven will be. Small, tiny peeks, but ones that have made my heart leap to go there.  Join me?

If our Father only gives good gifts to His children, what an incomprehensible gift heaven will be!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Happenings in the Physical Mirror the Spiritual

Hatred and hostilities have increased; war is waged or threatened on every continent. Threats of radicals are heard and felt across the world, with their actions backing the evil words they spew forth. At times it feels as if they are in a whole different world while we sit content and safe in our homes. But we need to be wise. Our walls have been breached. The enemy has shown they are in our land, and are beginning to act. All the while, our warrior numbers are dwindling.

The last few years have seen the decrease of our military.
1. Closing bases.
2. Reduction of troop numbers.
3. The removal of many key leaders and commanders
4. Disarmament.
We are becoming less able to defend our country, or bring aid to others because of the anemic condition put upon us by the orders of those in control in Washington.

When we see things happening in the physical realm, it is mirroring what is happening in the spiritual.

Are we not seeing the same in the spiritual realm? What is happening to the Army of God?

1. Closing bases. Look at our churches. Training camps for all believers; boot camps for new believers. Many are shutting their doors due to low membership, dwindling attendance, and decreased giving. They simply cannot afford to stay open.
Others have bought into the enemies lies and are now teaching a “false Gospel”, and still others teach a watered-down “feel good” gospel that does little to teach the truth of God’s word, nor train for spiritual warfare.
We have fewer true training centers open and and fewer training God’s Army.

2. Reduction of numbers. The number of true believers has been decreasing for years. The percentage of those calling themselves Christian has declined, and in this day and age of “easy” Christianity, one has to wonder how many of those who call themselves Christian, truly are.

3. Removal of key leaders. In recent years, many leaders from prominent, large churches have been removed. Scandals, moral failures, financial improprieties, and heresy are causing these once esteemed leaders to be removed from places of great influence. Some have left voluntarily with a repentant heart; others have been forced to vacate their posts, refusing to admit sin and wrongdoing.
Church members are left wondering what comes next. Who will replace their leader, and will the next one be trustworthy and faithful to teach God’s Word? Has trust and leadership been destroyed to such a manner that it becomes difficult to follow any leader within the church?
Where are the great leaders of our church in these days? We need strong leaders who will keep the faith, and hold the line in spite of opposition and rising evil.

4. Disarmament. Has the church become disarmed? What weapon do believers have to do battle with? Do we even need to do battle? Yes, we all need to do battle, but we need to be armed to do it effectively. Our weapon, the Sword, is the Word of God. As mentioned above, many churches are not even teaching the Word in its entirety, if at all. In our personal lives, how often do we read our Bibles, memorize verses, or allow God to speak to us through His written word to us? If we are not using our Bibles, if we are not infusing our minds and hearts with His word, we are disarmed.
When Jesus met the devil in the desert, He spoke only the Word to silence the enemy. He pulled the Sword and applied it swiftly, cutting the enemy down. We must follow His example and use the Sword of God’s Word to defeat the enemy.

Evil days are upon us, but this is not the time for us to shrink back. We must pray and seek God like never before.  Just as we must build and strengthen our Army in the physical realm to defend and conquer enemies, we must prepare for battle in the spiritual, because whether we like it or not, the enemy of your soul and mine is prowling- looking to see whom he can destroy. You cannot be nice, or speak “peace and love”, to the enemy. I am reminded of a vivid dream I had years ago. It involved the enemy gaining territory in my life. In the end, the Lord’s word to me was this- “you cannot make friends with the enemy. You must be ruthless against him.” That is what we need to be- ruthless!

It is interesting to see how civilians are stepping up to guard our military recruitment centers. Non-military members are stepping in to provide protection, and to aid the cause of right and truth. It reminds me of the passage in Matthew 22.
“ 22 And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, 2 “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a marriage feast for his son, 3 and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast; but they would not come. 4 Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have made ready my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves are killed, and everything is ready; come to the marriage feast.’ 5 But they made light of it and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, 6 while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. 7 The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. 8 Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy. 9 Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.’ 10 And those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good; so the wedding hall was filled with guests.”

Those who are trained- our military- have been reduced, disarmed, and left without key leaders. The time is coming for a battle, both in the physical and the spiritual. Non-military personnel are standing up to fill the gap. Will this happen in the spiritual, as well? Those who have been called- those who have had ties with the Christian church- are being called to battle, but many are ill-prepared, or have “other” things to do. War is not for the faint of heart. Those who have had no history with the church or Christianity, will they now “join ranks”, and become new members of God’s Army? Interesting.

We need to prepare. We need to be trained, and we need to be armed. We need to join ranks and do spiritual battle even now for the welfare of our country, and all who are within her gates.

2 Corinthians 10:4Expanded Bible (EXB)

4 We fight with weapons that are 'different from those the world uses [not merely human weapons; L not of the flesh]. Our weapons have power from God that can destroy ·the enemy’s strong places [L strongholds; fortresses]. We destroy ·people’s arguments [human reasoning; sophistries]

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Thoughts on Heaven, Part 1

Heaven.  How many of us have spent time pondering heaven?  Is there a heaven?  What must it be like?  How do I get there?  Do I want to get there?  So many questions and yes, we do have some answers-- at least those who believe the Bible to be true have answers. 

But there are still many unknowns, and sometimes the fear of the unknown causes us to pull back, or maybe even doubt. The reality of a place called Heaven is at times hard to grasp-- hard for our finite human minds to lay hold of, to claim as our inheritance and permanent home. 

I have given more thought to heaven recently. Perhaps because I am getting older, and the longer one lives, the more reality strikes that our days are indeed numbered. Or perhaps because of all that is happening in our world, and we have to wonder if the "end" is truly near. Or maybe it is because the longer I live, the more friends and family I have waiting for me over there, and I miss them. The circle is not complete as long as some are here, and some are there.

There is no guarantee of a long life. Knowing this, we should all walk as if this day-- this hour-- could be our last to live on earth. There are no exceptions. Everyone dies at some point. All of us. Old, young, middle-aged, parents, singles, straights, gays, good, bad, rich, poor, black, white, yellow, political or not, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, satanist... ALL will die at their appointed time. We all have an expiration date stamped on us.

So when that time comes, are we going to find peace, or are we going to find fear beyond compare?   Will we know what lies beyond? What is heaven really like?   

I claim to have few answers; only those given to us in the Bible. Beyond those glimpses, I can only speculate and share what I believe may be what is beyond the gate of "death."

These are my musings, my thoughts. I don't present them as facts, just as things to ponder. One thing we do know with absolute certainty; what heaven holds for the believer will be beyond anything we are capable of thinking or grasping. My simple ideas will pale greatly to the reality of 
what heaven is truly like. 

I don't know about you, but when I think long and hard about it, all fear drops to the wayside, and excitement fills my heart. Heaven IS real, and it will be amazing!