Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Heaven, Pt. 8, Will My Beloved Pet Be There?

Will my pet be in heaven? Many pet owners and animal lovers have sought the answer to this question. I often joked that my pets would be in heaven because I made sure they said "The Sinner's Prayer." In reality, I know it isn't something animals can or need do, but it made my heart feel better to think that if they could, they would, and I would find them waiting for me in heaven. 

But the question remains. Will there be pets in heaven? We have to go back to the Garden of Eden.

When Adam and Eve fell into sin, they did so by choice. Sin and death came into this world because of the actions of mankind, not animals. We are the ones who caused the separation between God and man. As a result of this severed relationship, all of creation fell under a curse. All the beauty and life that sang out from plants and animals in perfect Eden was now stifled, weighed down by a heavy cloak; silenced by the overshadowing of evil. The vibrant colors of the entire creation were stripped of their brightness; muted and grayed by the cloud of iniquity that covered and permeated everything on earth.  Even though they did not directly sin, the shroud of sin affected all creation-- plants, animals, fish, the Earth. Death would eventually come to all.

I have had many pets in my lifetime. I grew up on a farm, so cats were a mainstay and my best friends. I would cry and mourn for them when they died, but each spring brought a new batch to fall in love with. I adored them, but I wasn't so attached that I would feel bad if they weren't in heaven.  Besides, as someone I know once said, all cats end up in "purrrrrgatory" anyway! (Sorry cat lovers!)

I also love dogs. I had
a beautiful golden cocker spaniel named Ginger. She was a sweet dog! We had her for a number of years, but when we moved to Europe and had to leave her, she became our friends' dog. Their whole family loved, accepted and cherished her deeply. She was a special dog who had won the hearts of two families, and lived a long, happy life.

My current dog is Zala. She is the most spoiled, sweet, adorable little dog ever. She has character and personality that are uncanny. Sometimes she seems more human than dog! When she dies, my heart will definitely break. 

I would love to see these two special dogs in heaven, but honestly, I do not know if they will be. I know there will be animals-- lots of them, and of all kinds. But animals were not created in God's image. They were not created to have personal relationships with their Creator as we are, and they have no need for salvation. If my favorite beloved pet is not in heaven, will I be sad and miss her?  Maybe, but if heaven is a place of no sadness and tears, then I don't think I will. 

Biblical evidence tells us there will be animals in heaven. Heaven is, and will be forever, the restoration of all the once was. It is Eden again-- perfect. Relationship restored; harmony in all of creation. 
Isaiah tells us in Chapter 11:6-8:  

" In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together;
    the leopard will lie down with the baby goat.
The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion,
    and a little child will lead them all.
The cow will graze near the bear.
    The cub and the calf will lie down together.                                                                                              The lion will eat hay like a cow."

A wolf, a lamb, a leopard, and a baby goat all lying down and living together. No snarling or growling, no stalking and licking one's chops sizing up their next meal. A calf and yearling safe with a lion! And to top it off, a little child will lead them! Can you see a five-year-old taking his pet 400-pound lion for a stroll together? Then the lion sits down and eats grass. Think about that. No longer hunting, stalking and killing for food. They will be vegetarians!
Genesis 1:30 says, "I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life.”  

I do not know if God will in some way cause our beloved pets to be in heaven, but we do know there will be no sadness or sorrow. The animals we enjoy here on earth bring us love and joy. If they are with us once again when we get to heaven, it will be wonderful. If they are not, there will be many other creatures to take 
walks with, cuddle and play with. We will not feel their absence. 

So get ready to swim with dolphins and great whales and sharks! Splash in the rivers of heaven with multitudes of fish and ride a hippo downstream. Get into a racing contest with a cheetah, and swing on tree branches with monkeys. Sit down to rest under a shade tree with a panther and lean against the King of Beasts to snooze. All the animals and birds and fish are free; no cages, no human-made confinements of any kind. Nature and humans in harmony, living together once again in peace.  

Revelations 5:13 says,
"13 And then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea. They sang: “Blessing and honor and glory and power belong to the one sitting on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever.”

Clearly there will be all sorts of creatures in heaven. They join us as we all bow to our Creator honoring and praising Him; worshiping together as originally designed. 

I can't wait to live, love, play, and enjoy eternity in the best hands-on, interactive zoo ever!



  1. Don't forget the extended family who always wanted to kidnap Ginger! She was such a great dog!

    OK, so if all these animals are in heaven for us to enjoy, why can't we have our earthly pets there with us? Lions and cheetahs are great, but I love my poochie on my lap when I sit to read. I'm holding out hope my dogs will be there waiting for me

  2. I hope mine will be there, too! It would be amazing to have them with us in heaven.

  3. Just had this conversation with my son yesterday! I said I hope my doggies are in heaven, but if they are not, I won’t notice because I will see Jesus! (It IS comforting though, to think of our pets in heaven waiting for us)
