Do you ever have times when you feel "unspiritual?" I'm in one of those bogs right now. Busyness has eaten into my usual reading and writing times, but more than that, we are currently in a battle over an issue a business needs to make right and is hedging on. It's more than frustrating when they won't back their own product or try to shift the blame. It's been wearing, and wearying.
As a result, I feel unspiritual. I don't feel good will toward my fellow man, and I don't feel like being a witness to the goodness of God. I feel like my flesh is winning right now and I want to hide in a hole away from humanity, or at least force others to be responsible and have integrity.
But this is one of those times I need to do some self-talking.
Self, what is truth? What is the devil trying to do to you? Whose voice are you listening to? Why are you giving your emotions the power to control you?
Self, you know what is right and good. You know what to do to break through this period of earthly frustration. You know where you need to spend more time. With God. In His word. Talking to Him. Listening to Him.
Self, you know sometimes life is hard and throws you curveballs. Just remember Who oversees everything; knows all things. Remember Who your defender and shield is.
This earthly battle won't be over immediately, but I know Who is walking with me though it. I need to get back to His plan-- His word-- and remember who fights for me. I cannot control anyone else. Their responses, their integrity, and their actions are their own choice and they will be accountable for them.
Giving up my spiritual walk is never the answer. Seeking Him is always the answer. Then, even if the outcome isn't what I hoped for, I know He is still with me and directing my path. He is making me more into His likeness through the trials I encounter.
I have to go read my Bible now.