When I walked my dog the other morning, I contemplated time. Wasted time specifically. I have found it easy to spend hours on the computer reading Facebook, playing games, or checking my email as frequently as if I were expecting a letter telling me I won the lottery. Hours. Hours and hours spent doing nothing of significant value. Wasted time.
Then I considered God and His gift of my life. A life which has a purpose. A life HE has a plan for. A life with a limited number of days on this planet. How many days of that predetermined lifespan have I wasted? There is a purpose and a work for me to do on earth. What if, by my own laziness or distraction, I fail to complete said work.. Will God extend my days so I have more time to complete it? I don’t think so. I will have to stand before Him and in sorrow realize how much of His gift I wasted.
Satan’s goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. He distracts us with even good things to keep us from the GOD things. He has stolen many days of my life through distraction. My eyes have been turned from God’s purposes and plans; my focus shifted to other things deemed more interesting or entertaining at the moment.
In these confusing, uncertain days, my focus needs to shift back to the things of God. That means certain things will have to take a back seat, or maybe even be eliminated altogether. Discipline is hard, but I need to make a concerted effort to put God first in ALL areas of my life. If indeed these are the last days, there is a Word to be proclaimed. God’s Word needs to be sent out, and if I can be a tool to further His kingdom, then I must make it a priority. It should have been all along.
So today, a new start graciously allowed by a loving Heavenly Father. A new focus. I may not get extra days of life to complete His assigned work for me, but I will make the best of the ones I have left. No more wasted time.